
Gear may not make the film, but you won’t be making a film without gear. So here are some tips and reviews.

Red Epic Dragon vs. Red Epic MX, Part 03: Low Light, Color, Fill Ratios & Compression [VIDEO]

Batteries By Any Other Name: GoPro Hero 4 and More

Batteries By Any Other Name: GoPro Hero 4 and More [Note: I don’t work for Wasabi nor do I get anything from them for this review. I selected them because of their reputation and because I love their products.] A side effect of cameras being able to do more — resolution, frame-rate, larger memory — […]

Part 08: Building A Rain Bar

Part 08: Building A Rain Bar It is all of the little details in an image that add up to make it standout, and give it that polished and professional feel. In part 08 of our series on bringing a cinematic look to our productions, we reveal how we did just that by adding rain […]

3 Camera Rigs That Tell A Better Story–NAB 2013

3 Camera Rigs That Tell A Better Story–NAB 2013 While it seems that every year NAB attendees are focused on the newest camera technology, to me this is one of the least important storytelling elements. Most stories can be told well with nearly any camera, and having a high end camera certainly doesn’t guarantee that […]

3 Shooting Styles, 3 Camera Bags: Do You Relate?

3 Shooting Styles, 3 Camera Bags: Do You Relate? Production life can be hard, demanding, and not so friendly to our equipment and bodies. That is why we prefer to test our tools prior to deploying them in a production. If something is going to fail or not work properly, we want it to happen […]