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Budget Location Scouting: Finding A Place To Film Your Video

Budget Location Scouting: Finding A Place To Film Your Video

Creating films and videos can be expensive. Here are some tips to location scout on a budget. Learn how to search more efficiently to find and secure the perfect locations for less.

Spectrometer Asensetek Color Lighting Passport Review

Color Spectrometer Review: Asensetek Lighting Passport

Color spectrometers are a valuable tool to confirm the quality of the lights you use on your video and film sets. In this continuation of our Color Spectrometer series, we review the Asensetek Lighting Passport spectrometers, looking at its functionality, features, and how well it takes various measurements of light.

Understanding Color Spectrometers

Understanding Color Spectrometers

Color spectrometers are important for testing the color quality of lights used in your video and film projects. Many common color indices — such as CRI and TLCI — only tell a small fraction of a very large picture. Without fully looking at the color quality of your lights you may find out in post that you used a low quality light for your scenes, which ended up destroying the color in your image.

This article discusses how to use the average color spectrometer, what color characteristics to look out for, how to understand all the data and graphs, and how to take the spectrometer to the next level such as comparing light from a fixture before and after adding gels like CTO, minus green, and others.

In future articles we will look at specific spectrometers — such as Sekonic C700, UPRTek CV600, Asensetek Lighting Passport Essence Pro, and Asensetek Lighting Passport Standard Pro — along with their specific features and some of their limitations.

Save The Cat: Chapter 4 Summary

“Save the Cat!” Screenwriting Book: Chapter Four Summary

Structure is the single most important aspect of a screenplay. It is the bones of your story. It will also help you pitch/sell your screenplay as well as make sure that you retain writing credit for it no matter how much other writers change dialog, characters, and scene order.

We continue our “Cliffs Notes” summaries of “Save the Cat!” by Blake Snyder, with this article covering Chapter 4 where he covers the various beats that make up the structure of a screenplay.

Aputure Light Storm C300d LED

Aputure C300d LED is Finally Here!

Back in April Aputure released an LED fixture so impressive it won Best Lighting Product at NAB 2017. The LED fixture overcomes many shortcomings of most other LEDs on the market: it casts a hard light, yet can easily accept common light modifiers to make it soft. It is so compact and lightweight that you can use it in even the most remote locations. Since it can be battery powered, line power and generators are no longer part of the conversation. These are just some of the amazing features of this light. Read more to see all it can do!

ZERO Follow Focus Lens Gear: 360 seamless

ZERO Follow Focus Lens Gear

The ZERO follow focus lens gear ring by Broken Anchor Design overcomes all of the problems other lens rings have: it centers itself, is seamless, fits many lenses, and attaches in seconds. No other lens gear ring can do this, which is why we’re so excited to see that Broken Anchor Design has finally made it happen.