
Cameras need light. Let us show you how to harness their power!

Are LEDs Ruining Your Projects? The LED Problem & What To Do About It (AR015)

Are LEDs Ruining Your Projects? [VIDEO]

Did you know that LEDs lights may actually be ruining the look of your productions? And no, this problem can’t be fixed in the grade. We put seven different brands of LEDs lights to the test, capturing with a Red Epic Dragon camera. Then we discuss the results and how they’re going to affect the creative choices that you make on set.

Secret Filtration and Lighting Trick: Get Great Wide Shots and Close-Ups

A Secret Lighting & Filtration Trick To Get Great Wide Shots & Close Ups [VIDEO]

Introduction: The shallow depth of field look has become really popular. And that look or style of shooting can make it difficult to get great looking wide shots and close ups. Close up are are especially challenging as the actor goes in and out of focus during the shot. But did you know that through […]